The big rainforests of Congo is home of some rare animals like the okapi, Congo peacock, the rare bongo antelope ,forest elephant and also home to around 10000 species...
The Congo ist the second largest rainforest after the Amazon. The Congo raniforest stretches over the Democratic Rpeublic of Congo and Republic of Congo and across Cameroon,the Central African Republic,Guiena and Gabon.This enormous area has the size of 1,700,000 km².It is similiar with the three times size of France.
More than ten million people need the Congo raniforest for their survival-and alone 40 million people in the Democratic Republic of Congo need the forest for livelihood.
The culture of more countrys than the DRC depend of the forest.
The rainforest play also an important role in regulating the global climate.
The Democratic Republic of Congo is a big conveyor of carbon and without this ,the whole economy could be break...
Once the rainforest in Africa was an unbroken blanket of grenn-now it is partly only an industrial tool. But it isn't to late to rescue this paradise, but mybe in some years...